$298.00 USD

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All materials are copyright 2024 @ Heather Michelle Chinn and may not be shared, distributed, re-packaged, sold, or handed out without expressed, written permission from Heather Michelle Chinn. While these may be used in your edited, flattened files for your photographic edits, they may not be submitted to your photography (or ANY) clients as layered files. These backgrounds, or other content, (in whole or in part) may NOT be sold, distributed, or used as a base to create variations or "new" backgrounds in any manner to be printed or sold to background companies without expressed, written permission from Heather Michelle Chinn at Heather@HeatherThePainter.com
You agree to terms of use upon download which include not sharing, selling, or re-packaging these documents in any form to be used as stand alone products. You may use them within your artwork, but please don't repackage and sell them as standalone transparent files. I have seen my backgrounds sold as backgrounds on Etsy before. Please don't do it.

Backgrounds, textures, collections, or any files downloaded from this site (including the online library) MAY NOT BE UPLOADED in ANY iteration INTO ANY AI (artificial intelligence) programs such as but not limited to Midjourney, Dall-E, NightCafe, Images.ai, Deep Dream Generator, ArtBreeder, StableCog, DeepAI, StarryAI, and/or FOTOR. This is agreed upon download. You are encouraged to either use the backgrounds in your photographic edits, OR to use them as painterly bases to take into a program where a human user controls the brushwork in the digital painting such as Adobe Photoshop or Corel Painter for a client file (subject over top of the background in a flattened delivered file). 

The Backgrounds and Backgrounds Collections may be used as layers, or textures while editing your artwork for both commercial (ie: photography studio needing to change a backdrop in their portrait subject's edit) and personal use. The backgrounds/textures may not be (modified or not) shared, repackaged, resold, copied, or redistributed in any way to be distributed as backgrounds/backdrops/textures for re-sale or distribution. This is agreed upon download. Backgrounds may not be sold, licensed, or distributed in a way that permits Licensee’s end users to extra or access the backgrounds as a stand alone file or PRINTED. Each purchase is copyright protected and only available for a single user. All backgrounds remain property of Heather Michelle Chinn.

To revisit the terms of use please visit HERE. 

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to  email Heather@HeatherThePainter.com.


For backgrounds and textures downloads, please see User Agreement above or on the store for terms of use. For some ideas on how to use the backgrounds and textures please visit (and subscribe!) to Heather's Youtube channel and blog here:



Classical Neutrals and Golds 2024

Texture and depth sing in this richly luminescent Old Masters inspired collection!

Download includes:

  • 60 Classical Neutrals
  • 24 Classical Golds
  • Reference guides



  • 13 Color Hand Painted Watercolors
  • 10 BW Hand Painted Watercolors (fabulous for texture palettes)
  • Reference guides

The smallest size of the smallest side is 7024 pixels. While these vary greatly in sizes as "sweeps" are included, the longest side can be as large as 24000 pixels! The Bonus watercolors' smallest side's size is over 2800 pixels. This collection is perfect for high resolution editing, digital painting, and building your texture library both as overlays and as physical textures (known in Photoshop as "Patterns" and "Textures" in Corel Painter). These high resolution files will open in any program that opens jpegs. They're versatile in editing using layer mode changes, background swaps, texture palettes (Painter), and using as clone sources.

The black and white watercolors are highly recommended to be used as TEXTURES in your digital paintings (load in the texture palette in Painter and Pattern palette in Photoshop)!

Love that Old Masters varnish aesthetic?

Portrait by Linda Packard

Simply overlay one of these golden toned beauties! Try multiply, overlay, soft light or hard light modes in Photoshop! The image seen above used Classical Golds 08 in soft light with minor masking for that "old world" edit. 

These hand painted creations are exceptionally versatile with both the full length edit and head and shoulders in mind! Flip them horizontal for groups!

 Please note that photographic samples are not included in the download. 

Portrait by Bree Adams seen using the watercolor BONUS textures

Seen above with Classical Neutrals 26 layered with itself set to multiply mode for a darker appearance. 

Portrait by Michelle Parsley

Seen above using Classical Golds 24

Portrait by Susan Gertz

Portrait by Sabrina Greene using the BONUS textures



84 Classical Neutrals and Golds are Included PLUS 23 BONUS Hand Painted Watercolors!